Many controllers for legged robotic systems leverage open- or closed-loop control at discrete hybrid events to enhance stability. These controllers appear in several well studied phenomena such as the Raibert stepping controller, paddle juggling, and swing leg retraction. This work introduces hybrid event shaping (HES): a generalized method for analyzing and designing stable hybrid event controllers. HES utilizes the saltation matrix, which gives a closed-form equation for the effect that hybrid events have on stability. We also introduce shape parameters, which are higher order terms that can be tuned completely independently of the system dynamics to promote stability. Optimization methods are used to produce values of these parameters that optimize a stability measure. Hybrid event shaping captures previously developed control methods while also producing new optimally stable trajectories without the need for continuous-domain feedback.

Read the paper here.

Here is the poster presented at ICRA 2022:

HES Poster

Watch the video attachment here:


Watch my presentation at ICRA here:
